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New Member intro


Hello Everyone,
My name is Joe I'm a new member from The Garden State of New Jersey. I just purchased a 2003 concours 1000. It's the bike that I pick to achieve one goal on my bucket list. To ride coast to coast. From Jersey to San Francisco and back.
Hello Everyone,
My name is Joe I'm a new member from The Garden State of New Jersey. I just purchased a 2003 concours 1000. It's the bike that I pick to achieve one goal on my bucket list. To ride coast to coast. From Jersey to San Francisco and back.
Welcome Joe! That's quite a goal. If you can do it, the bike will get the job done. Tell us about yourself and your motorcycling background.
Welcome Joe,
COG is an awesome resource for tech advice and rides / rallies
You’ll like it here.
Enjoy the ride